Title: Learning from the Masters --The Art of Mosaic Painting with Louis Comfort Tiffany, Author: Brenda Lauw
#9 in Series
Title: Patterns for Baby; a Tummy Time book, Author: Audrey Taylor
Title: In the Middle of The Night. Russian Translation, Author: Chris Capps
Title: The Girl That Lived In the Mirror, Author: Perry Ritthaler
Title: Learning From the Masters--Mobiles with Alexander Calder, Author: Brenda Lauw
#2 in Series
Title: Faces for Baby; a Tummy Time book, Author: Audrey Taylor
Title: How To Draw A Pumpkin In Six Easy Steps, Author: Tanya Provines
Title: LEARNING FROM THE MASTERS--Sunflowers with Van Gogh, Author: Brenda Lauw
#4 in Series
Title: Learning from the Masters--The Art of Pop Art with Wayne Thiebaud, Author: Brenda Lauw
Title: Double Shapes for Baby; a Tummy Time book, Author: Audrey Taylor
Title: Bible Pictures & Stories (with enhanced illustrations), Author: Jennifer Moreau
Title: The Leaf People, Author: Martin Link
Title: The Adventures of the Indians and the Soldier, Author: Sharon Hoyland
Title: Animal Picture eBook for Tiny Tots, Author: Joan Shortridge
Title: LEARNING FROM THE MASTERS--Pointillism with Seurat, Author: Brenda Lauw
#3 in Series
Title: LEARNING FROM THE MASTERS--Self Portraits with Freda Kahlo, Author: Brenda Lauw
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Title: Sanctuary Rises, Author: Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt
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