Title: The Gift of a Broken Heart and Seven Failed Marriages, Author: Brenda Kay Winters
Title: The Scorned Wife Slightly Bitter..... Never Broken, Author: Elle Zober
Title: My Planets: a fictive memoir, Author: David P Reiter
Title: True Short Stories-Monster-Attorney -Disaster, Author: Brenda Kay Winters
Title: My time in Hell and other whimsical tales., Author: Davlin Stewart
Title: Paris, Baby!: An American Girl's Real-Life Adventures Having a Baby in the City of Lights, Author: Kirsten Lobe
Title: N Strout Once I Was A Child And There Was Much Pain...a glimpse into the soul of an incest survivor, Author: Nancy Strout
Title: Fiction & Literature Classics: 99 Cent Sons of the Soil ( anomalous, atypical, constrained, Fantastic, writing, composing, writ, scrawl, entry ), Author: Fiction & Literature Classics balzac
Title: The Lost Child: A Mother's Story, Author: Julie Myerson
Title: Open Book, Author: Raquel Glottman
Title: Vacation and Travel For Less, Author: Brenda Kay Winters
Title: Fierce: A Memoir, Author: Barbara Robinette Moss