Title: Weighted Blankets, Vests, and Scarves: Simple Sewing Projects to Comfort and Calm Children, Teens, and Adults, Author: Susan Sullivan
Title: Half Yard Kids: Sew 20 colourful toys and accessories from left-over pieces of fabric, Author: Debbie Shore
Title: Baby Boutique: 16 Handmade Projects * Shoes, Hats, Bags, Toys & More, Author: Sue Kim
Title: Let's Sew Together: Simple Projects the Whole Family Can Make, Author: Rubyellen Bratcher
Title: Victorian Tailor: Techniques and Patterns for Making Historically Accurate Period Clothes for Gentlemen, Author: Jason Maclochlainn
Title: Sew Baby: Cuddly and Cute Bibs, Blankets, Booties, and More, Author: Choly Knight
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Title: Sew Magical for Baby [With Pattern(s)], Author: Laura Lee Burch
Title: Sew Modern Baby: 19 Projects to Sew from Cuddly Sleepers to Stimulating Toys, Author: Angela Yosten