Title: Thunder of Heaven (End Series #2), Author: Tim LaHaye
Title: The Tribulation Soldier 3 'Captain Sharpe's Trial', Author: Bumpy Johnston
Title: The End Is Now, Author: Rob Stennett
Title: Mark of Evil (End Series #4), Author: Tim LaHaye
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#5 in Series
Title: Christian Suspense: Breakfast With Jesus (Christian Suspense, Christian Suspense Books, Christian Suspense Novels, Christian Suspense Series, Christian Suspense NOOK Books, Christian Suspense Bestsellers) [Christian Suspense], Author: Ivan King
Title: Christian Fiction: Breakfast With Jesus (Christian Fiction, Christian Fiction for Kids, Christian Fiction for Women, Christianity 101, Christian Fiction Library, Bestseller Christian Novel) [Christian Fiction], Author: Ivan King
Title: Brink of Chaos (End Series #3), Author: Tim LaHaye