What Do Women Want from Men?
Dan True interviewed 100 women with 110 questions and an open mind. The women he interviewed were forthright and candid, with valuable insights for both sexes.
"Dan True unravels just exactly what is on women's minds these days about men, from money, anger, and honesty, to sex and relationships.
What Do Women Want from Men?
Dan True interviewed 100 women with 110 questions and an open mind. The women he interviewed were forthright and candid, with valuable insights for both sexes.
"Dan True unravels just exactly what is on women's minds these days about men, from money, anger, and honesty, to sex and relationships.
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Dan True interviewed 100 women with 110 questions and an open mind. The women he interviewed were forthright and candid, with valuable insights for both sexes.
"Dan True unravels just exactly what is on women's minds these days about men, from money, anger, and honesty, to sex and relationships.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 2000003503957
Publisher: Listen & Live Audio, Inc.
Publication date: 06/01/1996
Edition description: Abridged

Read an Excerpt

My original list contained thirty-seven questions. However, at the end of each interview I asked the woman to suggest questions she thought I should ask in future interviews. The women's additions expanded my list to one-hundred-and-ten questions. Eighty-two were selected for inclusion in this work. Some questions were extremely personal, yet were answered easily, with an openness that surprised me.

In the beginning, I interviewed friends and acquaintances, my former wife among them. After I exhausted those sources, I asked the women I had interviewed for referrals. In selecting interviewees, I chose women who represented all geographical areas of the United States, along with racial representations closely matching the ethnic mix of our population. The average age of the women was thirty-seven; the most mature individual was sixty-six. Their average level of education was 2.1 years of college.

As I compiled the work it occurred to me that the women I interviewed were the real authors. Their ideas and thoughts, often pithy and earthy, revealed a collective wisdom that may at least equal the wisdom of trained professionals. From their one hundred answers to each question I selected those which, in my opinion, produced the most useful information. To preserve the women's wisdom undiluted, and at the same time retain the flavor and spice of their minds, the work is presented using the women's words, with an occasional personal observation written by me. As a bonus from doing this book, three questions emerged that seemed to be quick, simple guides to increasing a man's chance for a successful relationship with an individual woman. In fact, if I were single, I would get answers to these three questions before I went beyond a second date. Information I gained from interviews with the one hundred women led me to understand why my former wife and I came to divorce. Had I (we) been smarter sooner, it is probable we would have never married. Now, since one hundred women have increased my understanding of the female mind, I have more confidence in my ability to select a partner more intelligently. Interviewing one hundred women was an ah-ha experience. I hope you enjoy peeking into their minds as much as I did.

Table of Contents

Why This Book Was Writtenxi
1Money, Women, & Men1
How do you respond to men who say that money is the number one thing you want from them?2
Would you rather your man have a job he is unhappy with that pays more than a job he likes that pays less?4
Which is more important to you, a man's present earning capacity, or his future earning potential?5
On a scale of zero to ten, how important is a man's social status in your dating or relationship choices?6
How do you think men feel about their woman having a job with higher pay and/or more prestige than theirs?8
How would you spend, or use, any larger amounts of surplus money you and your mate have left over?10
What does "being taken care of" mean to you? What do you think it means to the average man?17
2Women Talk About Relationships With Men23
What are the number one and number two items you want from marriage or a relationship with a man?23
If you discovered that your man had lied to you, what would be your reaction?27
When men and women don't get along smoothly, in your opinion, what are the primary causes of conflict?30
What can a man do that makes you feel good about yourself?42
What is your idea of an enjoyable way to spend time, such as an afternoon or evening, with a man?46
What can a man do that annoys you or makes you uncomfortable?50
Do you envy any qualities or traits you think are common to males in general?55
What is your opinion as to a weakness you consider common to males in general?58
Is your closest friend male or female, and why?62
Do you think some men fear women? If so, what do you think they fear?63
How do you think many men perceive women?67
On a scale of zero to ten, how important is it that you have an ongoing close friendship with a man?71
What is your definition of intimacy? What do you believe intimacy means to a man?73
When a man says he loves you, what does that mean to you?76
What attracts you to a man?84
Describe your version of a sexy man88
What is your definition of a loving man?93
3Women Talk About Men and Sex97
On a scale of zero to ten, how important is sex to you personally? How important is sex to a man, and is there a difference for you between having sex and making love?98
How do you feel about a husband believing he is entitled to sex with you on demand?102
How important is the size of a man's penis? Do you prefer large, or not so large?104
What do you get from sex?106
What do you want from sex?113
Do you have preferences as to who should initiate sex?117
On a scale of zero to ten, how important is orgasm?119
When you fail to have orgasm, what percentage of the problem do you assign to your partner?124
How do you feel about giving oral sex to a man, and how do you feel about receiving oral sex from a man?127
If you had to give up hugging and caressing Forever, or sex Forever, which would you give up? The key word is forever129
What are your comments about other bed partners in your man's life
a)Before you
b)During his relationship with you?
What could your husband do, or not do, that might cause you to consider a one night stand, or even an affair?134
How do you respond to a man, one who is unknown to you, ogling your body?136
How do you respond to a male you are intimate with ogling your body?137
What are your feelings about a man who has Playboy/Penthouse/etc. at the top of his reading list?138
Were you molested as a child, or raped at anytime in your life?142
What is your level of concern about herpes (0-10), AIDS (0-10), and other STDs (0-10)?144
At the time of your first sexual experience, for which reason did you choose to let it happen?
a)Romantic fulfillment
b)Heat of passion
c)To deliberately lose virginity
A few general comments offered by the one hundred women about sex146
4Women's Psyche About Men159
What advice would you give a man who wants to get acquainted with you?159
What are turn-offs when you first meet a man and are making up your mind about him?162
Does any special physical trait turn you on when you meet a man or see a man in the store, parking lot, office, or on a movie/TV screen? In other words, do you have a fixed idea of how the "ideal" man should look?164
What could a man expect from you that you would dislike more than anything else?167
What could a man do, unexpectedly, that would please or pleasantly surprise you?169
How important is it that you and your mate have similar interests, or even like vocations?172
What kind of relationship do you prefer your man have with his
In what order do you think men want the following from women176
What order do you prefer?176
On a scale of zero to ten, how important is it that your man have handyman skills?178
How important is a sense of humor, on a scale of zero to ten?179
How do you want a man to handle his anger?180
If a man is open with you about his worries, is he weak or strong in your eyes?181
What makes a man strong in your eyes?183
Would you cut a smoker from your prospect list?184
What are your comments about liquor and men?186
What are your feelings about a man and foul language?187
What are your comments about religion and the man you choose?189
What are your comments on a man's refusal to insure himself to cover your financial needs in case of his death?190
What is, or was, at the top of your list of likes about being single?192
What did you dislike about being single?193
How do you react to men who act macho?195
What is your impression of men who brag a lot?197
What makes a home a home?198
How important is it that a part of your home be your space exclusively, on a scale of zero to ten?200
How important is it that you occasionally have time to yourself?201
What are your feelings about being dominated?202
What are your comments about someone who makes you feel as if they own you?204
Would you marry a man with faults you expect to change later?207
If you could wave a magic wand and make one change in your man, what would you change?209
What could your man do that would cause your disrespect and/or disappointment?211
What is guaranteed to trigger resentment or a fight between you and your man?212
How late is tardy for an appointment or date with you? What is your most probable reaction when your date finally arrives, late?215
Which is more important to you, a man's formal education or his intelligence?219
What is the age of the man you want relative to your age?221
Do you want a man taller or shorter than you? How much taller or shorter?222
What do you think about a mustache? Like, dislike, makes no difference. beard? Like, dislike, makes no difference223
Since girlhood, have you had a life fantasy? If so, to what degree has that fantasy driven your adult life?224
Looking back on all of your life's worth of experiences with men up to now, has the total of their influence on your life been a plus or a minus? Give examples of each228
5Miscellaneous Nuggets of Wisdom Gleaned from One Hundred Women's Minds232
The Interview Questions235
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