Title: The Color of Rain: How Two Families Found Faith, Hope, and Love in the Midst of Tragedy, Author: Michael Spehn
Title: The Above the Line Collection: The Baxters Take One, The Baxters Take Two, The Baxters Take Three, The Baxters Take Four, Author: Karen Kingsbury
Title: Seven Days in Utopia: Golf's Sacred Journey, Author: David L. Cook
Title: Return to Me, Author: Robin Lee Hatcher
#2 in Series
Title: One Tuesday Morning / Beyond Tuesday Morning Compilation Limited Edition, Author: Karen Kingsbury
Title: One Tuesday Morning (9/11 Series #1), Author: Karen Kingsbury
Title: Oceans Apart, Author: Karen Kingsbury
Title: Ever After (Even Now Series #2), Author: Karen Kingsbury
Title: Coming Home, Author: Karen Kingsbury