Title: Beautiful Baby Shoes, Author: Lisa van Klaveren
Title: Sweet & Simple Baby Blankets, Author: Glenda Winkleman
Title: Knit & Crochet with Fabric - Kids' Collection, Author: Vicki Payne
Title: Heart's Delight Baby Layettes, Author: Michelle Crean
Title: Youth Activities - A Complete Guide to Youth Activities for Every Age Group, Author: Grant John Lamont
Title: Before You Forget - The Wisdom of Writing Diaries for Your Children, Author: Kelly DuMar
Title: Cute & Cozy Caps (Leisure Arts #5574), Author: Lori Adams
Title: Friends for Baby in Plastic Canvas, Author: Dick Martin
Title: Crochet Hats and Wraps for Baby, Author: Leisure Arts
Title: Baby Shower Cakes, Author: Bendy Carter
Title: Baby Afghans, Author: Leisure Arts
Paperback $8.99 $9.99 Current price is $8.99, Original price is $9.99.
Title: Animal Lovie Blankets, Author: Yolanda Soto-Lopez
Title: Mommy Drinks Because You Cry: A Sarcastic Coloring Book, Author: Hannah Caner
Title: Baby's Diagonal Aran Afghans, Author: Leisure Arts
Title: My Birth Celebration Scrapbook, Author: Karen Jean Matsko Hood
Title: The Stars of Earth - new and selected poems, Author: Emily Grosholz
Title: Castles and Crusades Classic Monsters The Manual, Author: Kim Hartsfield
Title: The Little Liverpool Diaries, Author: Susan Diane Liverpool

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