Title: Proud Shoes / Edition 1, Author: Pauli Murray
Title: The War Play Dilemma: What Every Parent and Teacher Needs to Know, 2nd Edittion / Edition 2, Author: LEVIN
Title: Children of the Movement: The Sons and Daughters of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, George Wallace, Andrew Young, Julian Bond, Stokely Carmichael, Bob Moses, James Chaney, Elaine Brown, and Others Reveal How the Civil Rights Movem, Author: John Blake
Title: Prejudice and Your Child / Edition 1, Author: Kenneth B. Clark
Title: War's Offensive on Women: The Humanitarian Challenge in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan / Edition 1, Author: Julie A. Mertus
Title: Trapped between Innocence and Death: A Guide to Being Free from Gang Life / Edition 1, Author: John Saroyan
Title: Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free, Author: Elaine Weiss
Title: Teaching Young Children in Violent Times / Edition 2, Author: Diane E. Levin