Title: The Baby Keepsake Book and Planner, Author: Mindy Weiss
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Title: Little One-Yard Wonders: Irresistible Clothes, Toys, and Accessories You Can Make for Babies and Kids, Author: Patricia Hoskins
Title: Victorian Tailor: Techniques and Patterns for Making Historically Accurate Period Clothes for Gentlemen, Author: Jason Maclochlainn
Title: In The Nursery - Print On Demand Edition, Author: Jennifer Sampou
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Title: Baby Boutique: 16 Handmade Projects * Shoes, Hats, Bags, Toys & More, Author: Sue Kim
Title: Quilts, Bibs, Blankies... Oh My!: Create Your Own Cute and Cuddly Nursery, Author: Kim Schaefer
Title: The Anti-Pirate Potato Cannon: And 101 Other Things for Young Mariners to Build, Try, and Do on the Water, Author: David Seidman