Title: Precious Baby Booties, Author: Deborah Hamburg
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Title: The Baby Knits Book, Author: Debbie Bliss
Title: Cute and Easy Crocheted Baby Clothes, Author: Nicki Trench
Title: Sweet Baby Crochet: 20 Crochet Patterns for Girls & Boys, Author: Sandy Powers
Title: Super Cute Crochet for Little Feet: 30 Stylish Shoes, Booties, and Sandals to Crochet for Babies, Author: Vita Apala
Title: Toddler-Size Crochet: Complete Instructions for 8 Projects, Author: Margaret Hubert
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Title: Little Crochet: Modern Designs for Babies and Toddlers, Author: Linda Permann
Title: Baby Crochet: 20 Hand-Crochet Designs for Babies 0-24 Months, Author: Sandy Powers
Title: Crochet One-Skein Wonders® for Babies: 101 Projects for Infants & Toddlers, Author: Judith Durant
Title: Baby's Diagonal Aran Afghans, Author: Leisure Arts
Title: Comfort Knitting & Crochet: Babies & Toddlers: 50 Knits and Crochet Designs Using Berroco's Comfort and Vintage Yarns, Author: Norah Gaughan
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Title: Beautiful Baby Shoes, Author: Lisa van Klaveren
Title: Alphabets for Baby, Author: Kooler Design Studio
Title: Cute & Cozy Caps (Leisure Arts #5574), Author: Lori Adams
Title: Bears and Blankies (a collection of knitting patterns for children), Author: Beth Ferwerda
Title: Friends for Baby in Plastic Canvas, Author: Dick Martin
Title: eBook about Basket Making for Fun and Profit - Will Show You How To Create Beautiful Baskets From Rush, Raffia and Rattan, Author: Healthy Tips
Title: Baby Afghans, Author: Leisure Arts
Paperback $8.99 $9.99 Current price is $8.99, Original price is $9.99.
Title: Crochet Hats and Wraps for Baby, Author: Leisure Arts
Title: A Treasury of Needlecraft Gifts for the New Baby, Author: Jean Ray Laury

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