Title: The Legend of the Sand Dollar, Newly Illustrated Edition: An Inspirational Story of Hope for Easter, Author: Chris Auer
Title: The Legend of the Easter Robin: An Easter Story of Compassion and Faith, Author: Dandi Daley Mackall
Title: Jesus For Children-Picture Book, Author: Brenda Kay Winters
Title: The Whole Mac Gillicuddy, Author: Chris Arveson
Title: James' Book of Life, Author: Jamie Lester
Title: The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 2, Author: Patrick Schwenk
Title: Countdown to Easter - Daily Lenten Devotions For Children, Author: Ruth Geisler
Title: Friends ~ Family ~ Fruit of the Spirit: KId's Chat God's Spirit II, Author: Kristin Gembala
Title: The Dig for Kids: Luke Vol. 1, Author: Patrick Schwenk
Title: Unlock Technology with the Computer Puppets for Grades 3rd-5th, Author: Rene Compton
Title: Things I Ponder, Author: Sandy McClure
Title: Picture That! 2: Bible Storybook, Author: Tracy Harrast