Title: Morality - A Course on Catholic Living: Keystone School Edition, Author: Paul J. Wadell
Title: Checklist for Life for Teens: Timeless Wisdom & Foolproof Strategies for Making the Most of Life's Challenges and Opportunities, Author: Checklist for Life
Title: Pure Excitement, Author: Joe White
Title: Real Stuff: A Survivor's Guide, Author: Brian Jamison
Title: A Case for Chastity: The Way to Real Love and True Freedom for Catholic Teens, Author: Heather Gallagher
Title: More Lunch Bag Notes: Everyday Advice from a Dad to His Son, Author: Al Parisi
Title: Secret Keeper: The Delicate Power of Modesty, Author: Dannah K. Gresh
Title: The Power of Faith for Teens (Guideposts Series), Author: Patricia A. Pingry