Title: The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling, Author: James Hillman
Title: How to Avoid the Mommy Trap: A Roadmap for Sharing Parenting and Making It Work, Author: Julie Shields
Title: The Divorce Culture, Author: Barbara Dafoe Whitehead
Title: For Mothers of Difficult Daughters: How to Enrich and Repair the Bond in Adulthood, Author: Charney W. Herst
Title: Marriage Shock: The Transformation of Women into Wives, Author: Dalma Heyn
Title: Swimming With Maya: A Mother's Story, Author: Eleanor Vincent
Title: Unplanned Parenthood: The Confesions of a Septuagenarian Surrogate Mother, Author: Liz Carpenter
Title: First Comes Love, Author: Marion Winik