Title: The Coin of the Realm Volume III of the Glastonbury Chronicles, Author: S. P. Hendrick
Title: The Tale of Tyrfing, Author: Sokarjo Stormwillow
Title: The Blood of Kings: Volume V of the Glastonbury Chronicles, Author: S. P. Hendrick
Title: Great Queen's Hound Volume II of Tales of the Dearg-Sidhe, Author: S. P. Hendrick
Title: Raven's Daughter, Author: S. P. Hendrick
Title: The 13th Moon, Author: Ilana Sturm
Title: The Barley and the Rose: Volume VI of the Glastonbury Chronicles, Author: S. P. Hendrick
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Title: The Rose Above the Sword Volume IV of the Glastonbury Chronicles, Author: S. P. Hendrick
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Title: The Sword of the King Volume II of the Glastonbury Chronicles, Author: S. P. Hendrick
Title: Uneasy Lies The Head, Author: S. P. Hendrick
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