Title: The Albanian National Question and the Myth of Greater Albania, Author: United States Army War College
Title: The Southern Kurile Islands - Shrouded in Eternal Fog, Author: U.S. Army War College
Title: U.S. Governmental Information Operation and Strategic Communications: A Discredited Tool or User Failure? Implication for Future Conflict, Author: U.S. Army War College
Title: Strategic Aggression - Conditions that Could Trigger Aggressive Military Action by the People's Republic of China, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: The Impact of Revolutionary Ideology on a Military During Time of War Case Study - The Iranian Military in the Iran-Iraq War 1980, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: Uyghurs in Xinjiang: United or Divided Against the PRC?, Author: Naval Postgraduate School
Title: Understanding the Form, Function, and Logic of Clandestine Insurgent and Terrorist Networks: The First Step in Effective Counternetwork Operations, Author: Joint Special Operations University