Title: On a Rogue Planet (Phoenix Adventures #3), Author: Anna Hackett
Title: On a Barbarian World (Phoenix Adventures #8), Author: Anna Hackett
Title: Beyond Galaxy's Edge (Phoenix Adventures #5), Author: Anna Hackett
Title: Lost in Barbarian Space (Phoenix Adventures #9), Author: Anna Hackett
Explore Series
Title: At Star's End, Author: Anna Hackett
Explore Series
Title: On a Cyborg Planet (Phoenix Adventures #6), Author: Anna Hackett
Title: Jak Phoenix 2: The Markazian Deception, Author: Matt D. Williams
Title: Through Uncharted Space (Phoenix Adventures #10), Author: Anna Hackett
Explore Series
Title: Return to Dark Earth (Phoenix Adventures #7), Author: Anna Hackett
Title: In the Devil's Nebula (Phoenix Adventures #2), Author: Anna Hackett