Title: Pirates Go to School, Author: Corinne Demas
Title: Pirates Love Underpants: with audio recording (Underpants Books Series), Author: Claire Freedman
Title: Pirates of the Sea!, Author: Brandon Dorman
Title: Pirates on the Farm, Author: Denette Fretz
Title: Pirates vs. Cowboys, Author: Aaron Reynolds
Title: Pittsburgh Pirates 101, Author: Brad M. Epstein
Title: Sounds of the Past: Pirates: 3-D Scenes with Sounds, Author: Rod Green
Title: The Pirate's Bed, Author: Nicola Winstanley
Title: Tim, Ted & The Pirates, Author: Ian Whybrow
Title: Treasure Island, Author: R L Stevenson
Title: Treasure Island, Author: Robert Louis Stevenson
Title: Twenty-six Pirates: An Alphabet Book, Author: Dave Horowitz

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