Title: Legends and Tales, Author: Bret Harte
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Title: The Man Who Stole A Meeting-House: 1878, From
Title: Queer Stories for Boys and Girls, Author: Edward Eggleston
Title: Kerfol: 1916, Author: Edith Wharton
Title: The Sheriffs Bluff: 1908, Author: Thomas Nelson Page
Title: With The Eyes Shut: 1898, Author: Edward Bellamy
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Title: P'laski's Tunament: 1891, Author: Thomas Nelson Page
Title: Una Of The Hill Country: 1911, Author: Mary Noailles Murfree
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Title: The Spinster: 1905, Author: Robert Hichens
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Title: Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2, Author: Unknown

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