Title: The Dark Interval: Towards a Theology of Story, Author: John Dominic Crossan
Title: Coming Back To Earth, Author: Lloyd Geering
Paperback $13.21 $18.00 Current price is $13.21, Original price is $18.00.
Title: Remedial Christianity: What Every Believer Should Know about the Faith but Probably Doesn't, Author: Paul Alan Laughlin
Title: Tomorrow's God, Author: Lloyd Geering
Title: Christian Faith at the Crossroads: A Map of Modern Religious History, Author: Lloyd George Geering
Paperback $18.00 $20.00 Current price is $18.00, Original price is $20.00.
Title: What a Friend They Had in Jesus: The Theological Visions of Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Hymn Writers, Author: Harry T. Cook
Title: The World to Come: From Christian Past to Global Future, Author: Lloyd Geering
Title: God, Galileo and Geering: A Faith for the Twenty-First Century, Author: Robert Jones
Title: Reforming Christianity, Author: Don Cupitt
Paperback $16.20 $18.00 Current price is $16.20, Original price is $18.00.