Title: After Whitehead, Author: Michel Weber
Title: Creativity and Its Discontents: The Response to Whitehead's Process and Reality, Author: Alan Wyk
Title: The Roar of Awakening: A Whiteheadian Dialogue Between Western Psychotherapies and Eastern Worldviews, Author: George Derfer
Title: Process and Pluralism: Chinese Thought on the Harmony of Diversity, Author: Zhihe Wang
Title: How is Global Dialogue Possible?: Foundational Reseach on Value Conflicts and Perspectives for Global Policy, Author: Johanna Seibt
Title: The Metaphysics of Becoming: On the Relationship between Creativity and God in Whitehead and Supermind and Sachchidananda in Aurobindo, Author: Thomas Padiyath
Title: Life and Process: Towards a New Biophilosophy, Author: Spyridon A. Koutroufinis
Title: Physics and Speculative Philosophy: Potentiality in Modern Science, Author: Timothy E. Eastman