Title: Sweet Dream Kisses: A Bedtime Story, Author: Lora Kalkman
Title: Rainbow Kittens: A Colorful Tale, Author: Virginia Graham
Title: Ten Tiny Puppies: A Counting Book, Author: Virginia Graham
Title: Jonah and the Whale: Listening to God, Author: Barbara Egel
Title: Snow White: Based on the Best-Loved Fairy Tale, Author: Natasha Kuricheva
Title: One Starry Night: The Very First Christmas, Author: Barbara Egel
Title: Jingle Bells and More: Merry Christmas Music, Author: Doherty Singers
Title: The Night Before Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Mouse, Author: Clement C. Moore
Title: David and Goliath: Finding Strength, Author: Leslie Lindecker
Title: Guess How Much I Miss You?: A Story to Share, Author: Julia Lobo
Title: I Love You So Much: A Story to Share, Author: Sanja Rescek
Title: Noah's Ark: Keeping a Promise, Author: Leslie Lindecker