Title: The New School Leader for the 21st Century: The Principal, Author: Edward H. Seifert
eBook $54.99 $64.99 Current price is $54.99, Original price is $64.99.
Title: Education Quality Management: Effective Schools Through Systemic Change, Author: Jerry Herman
Title: Total Quality Management for Schools, Author: Leo H. Bradley
Title: Case Studies for School Leaders: Implementing the ISLLC Standards, Author: William Sharp
Title: School Law for Public, Private, and Parochial Educators, Author: Leo H. Bradley
Title: Human Resource and Contract Management in the Public School: A Legal Perspective, Author: Bernadette Marczely
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Title: Quality Human Resources Leadership: A Principal's Handbook, Author: David L. Weller Jr.
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Title: How to be Involved in Program Evaluation: What Every Adminstrator Needs to Know, Author: Keith McNeil