Title: Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education, Author: Sam Seidel
Title: Teachers As Owners: A Key to Revitalizing Public Education, Author: Edward J. Dirkswager
Title: Preparing Students for the 21st Century, Author: Donna Uchida
Title: Engaging All Families: Creating a Positive School Culture by Putting Research Into Practice, Author: Jenelle Williams Paris
Title: Using Art to Teach Reading Comprehension Strategies: Lesson Plans for Teachers, Author: Jennifer Klein
Title: Powerful Teacher Learning: What the Theatre Arts Teach about Collaboration, Author: David Allen
Title: Engaging Students through Inquiry-Oriented Learning and Technology, Author: Teresa Coffman
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Title: Whole Child, Whole School: Applying Theory to Practice in a Community School, Author: Eileen Santiago
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Title: Innovation in the Schoolhouse: Entrepreneurial Leadership in Education, Author: Jack Leonard
Title: History Repeats Itself in the Classroom, Too!: Prior Knowledge and Implementing the Common Core State Standards, Author: Gregory Gray
Title: Reading Between the Lines: Activities for Developing Social Awareness Literacy, Author: Joanne Dowdy
Title: Breaking the Mold of School Instruction and Organization: Innovative and Successful Practices for the Twenty-First Century, Author: Andrea Honigsfeld
by Andrea Honigsfeld (Editor), Audrey Cohan (Editor), Rita Dunn (Foreword by), Monisha Bajaj (Contribution by), Nadine Binkley (Contribution by), Nancy Boxler (Contribution by), József Braun (Contribution by), Furman Brown (Contribution by), Sally Brown (Contribution by), James P. Capolupo (Contribution by), Douglas Carney (Contribution by), Patricia Chesbro (Contribution by), Alan J. Cooper (Contribution by), Alan J. Daly (Contribution by), Maria G. Dove (Contribution by), Lois Favre (Contribution by), Marc Ferris (Contribution by), Douglas Fisher (Contribution by), Karen Bostic Frederick (Contribution by), Mary Ellen Freeley (Contribution by), Joan R. Fretz (Contribution by), Alice E. Ginsberg (Contribution by), Diane W. Gómez (Contribution by), Richard Dr. Hanzelka (Contribution by), Fleur Harris (Contribution by), Madeleine F. Holzer (Contribution by), Charles F. Howlett (Contribution by), Nora E. Hyland (Contribution by), Judit Kováts (Contribution by), Diane E. Lang (Contribution by), Diane Lapp (Contribution by), Suzanne M. Lasser (Contribution by), Anastasia Legakes (Contribution by), Michael A. Malone (Contribution by), JudithR Merz (Contribution by), Mária Molnár (Contribution by), Suzanne D. Morgan (Contribution by), Audrey Murphy (Contribution by), Irene Nigaglioni (Contribution by), Stephen M. Noonan (Contribution by), Scott Noppe-Brandon (Contribution by), Margaret S. Parsons (Contribution by), Michael Pezone (Contribution by), Robert Pillar (Contribution by), Philip J. Poinelli (Contribution by), James H. Powell (Contribution by), Lori Langer de Ramirez (Contribution by), Susan Rundle (Contribution by), Mavis G. Sanders (Contribution by), Ingvar Sigurgeirsson (Contribution by), Alan Singer (Contribution by), Linda Kantor Swerdlow (Contribution by), Zoila Tazi (Contribution by), Thomas DeVere Wolsey (Contribution by)
Title: Teaching and Learning Online: A Step-by-Step Guide for Designing an Online K-12 School Program, Author: Shawn Morris
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Title: Change the World with Service Learning: How to Create, Lead, and Assess Service Learning Projects, Author: Katy Farber