Title: If Horses Could Talk, Author: Gary Gary Witheford
Title: Richard Hughes: A Weight Off My Mind My Autobiography, Author: Richard Hughes
Title: Warrior: The Amazing Story of a Real War Horse, Author: Brough Scott
Title: Blown, Author: Jamie Reid
Title: Doped The Real Life Story of the 1960s Racehorse Doping Gang, Author: Jamie Reid
Title: Churchill at the Gallop, Author: Brough Scott
Title: Her Majesty's Pleasure: How Horseracing Enthrals the Queen, Author: Julian Muscat
Title: Jock Stein, Author: Archie Archie Macpherson
Title: Henry Cecil, Author: Brough Scott
Title: Tommo Too Busy To Die, Author: Derek Thompson
Title: William Hill, Author: Graham Sharpe