Explore the strange extraterrestrial encounters of a humble Swiss farmer as the man who has claimed to be in contact with an alien race from a star cluster known as Pleiades reveals his conversations with a cosmonaut who has come to Earth to offer an informative and fascinating glimpse into the future of mankind. It was 1975 when Eduard "Billy" Meier first came into contact with the Pleidian cosmonaut known as "Semjase," and in the years that followed the unassuming agriculturalist would receive numerous messages regarding everything from the history of Earth to the spiritual development of mankind and the Pleidian use of "beamships" for inter-stellar travel. For years author/lecturer Randolph Winters and researcher/lecturer Michael Horn have been studying this remarkable case, and now viewers at home can finally take a look at the fruits of their labor in two full-length programs featuring interviews with Meier, over 100 photographs, and actual footage of a Pleidian "beamship" in flight.