Title: Mary Had a Little Lamb, Author: Andrea Doss
Title: Hickory Dickory Dock, Author: Lucy Bell
Title: Pat-a-Cake, Author: Mark Kummer
Title: I Wish I was a Little, Author: Johannah Gilman Paiva
Title: Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone, Author: Melissa Everett
Title: The Owl and the Kitty Cat, Author: Mark Kummer
Title: Rain, Rain, Go Away, Author: Melissa Everett
Title: Hey Diddle Diddle, Author: Melissa Everett
Title: There was a Crooked Man, Author: Mark Kummer
Title: Star Light, Star Bright, Author: Melissa Everett
Title: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe, Author: Melissa Everett
Title: Horsey, Horsey, Author: Melissa Everett
Title: Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, Author: Imodraj