Title: Real Vampires Have Curves (Real Vampires Series #1), Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Live Large, Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Get Lucky (Real Vampires Series #3), Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Don't Diet, Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs, Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Have More to Love (Real Vampires Series #6), Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Don't Wear Size Six, Author: Gerry Bartlett
#7 in Series
Paperback $12.15 $15.00 Current price is $12.15, Original price is $15.00.
Title: Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans, Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Know Hips Happen (Real Vampires Series #9), Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Know Size Matters, Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Take a Bite out of Christmas, Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Real Vampires Say Read My Hips, Author: Gerry Bartlett
Title: Rafe and the Redhead, Author: Gerry Bartlett
#12 in Series
Title: Real Vampires and the Viking, Author: Gerry Bartlett