Title: Wilma Rudolph: Track and Field Champion, Author: Adrianna Morganelli
Title: Malala Yousafzai: Defender of Education for Girls, Author: Kelly Spence
Title: Rick Hansen: Improving Life for People with Disabilities, Author: Adrianna Morganelli
Title: Temple Grandin: Pioneer for Animal Rights and Autism Awareness, Author: Linda Barghoorn
Title: Mae Jemison: Trailblazing Astronaut, Doctor, and Teacher, Author: Linda Barghoorn
Title: Jazz Jennings: Voice for LGBTQ Youth, Author: Ellen Rodger
Title: Craig Kielburger: Champion for Children's Rights and Youth Activism, Author: Linda Barghoorn
Title: Dolores Huerta: Advocate for Women and Workers, Author: Linda Barghoorn
Title: William Kamkwamba: Powering his Village, Author: Kylie Burns
Title: Xiuhtezcatl Martinez: Protecting the Environment and Indigenous Rights, Author: Linda Barghoorn