Title: Life Lessons for Young Adolescents: An Advisory Guide for Teachers, Author: Fred Schrumpf
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Title: Teaching Urban Learners, Author: Gwendolyn Cartledge
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Title: Vocational and Transition Services for Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Strategies and Best Practices, Author: Michael Bullis
Title: I Can Problem Solve, Intermediate Elementary / Edition 1, Author: Shure
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Title: I Can Problem Solve (Preschool): An Interpersonal Cognitive Problem-Solving Program for Children / Edition 2, Author: Myrna B. Shure
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Title: I Can Problem Solve, Kindergarten & Primary / Edition 2, Author: Myrna B. Shure
Paperback $44.04 $46.99 Current price is $44.04, Original price is $46.99.