Title: The Ghost of Marlow House, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost and Little Marie, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost from the Sea, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost Who Came for Christmas, Author: Anna J McIntyre
Title: The Ghost and the Bride, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost Who Loved Diamonds, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost and the Muse, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost of Valentine Past, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost and the Mystery Writer, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost Who Stayed Home, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost Who Wasn't, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost of Halloween Past, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost Who Lied, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: The Ghost Who Wanted Revenge, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: Haunting Danielle, Books 1 - 4, Author: Bobbi Holmes
Title: Coulson's Wife, Author: Anna J. McIntyre
Title: Havasu Palms, A Hostile Takeover, Author: Bobbi Ann Johnson Holmes
Title: Sugar Rush, Author: Anna J. McIntyre
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Title: While Snowbound, Author: Anna J. McIntyre
Title: The Story of the Christmas Village, Author: Bobbi Ann Johnson Holmes