Title: Too Close to Me, Author: Dave Pelzer
Title: Old Friends, Author: Tracy Kidder
Title: My Holiday in North Korea, Author: Wendy E. Simmons
Title: Growing Up, Author: Russell Baker
Title: Gratitude in Low Voices, Author: Chris
Title: JFK's Final Hours in Texas, Author: Julian Read
Title: Zen in the Art of Writing, Author: Ray Bradbury
Title: The Churchill Companion, Author: The Churchill Centre
Title: Atlantic High, Author: William F. Buckley JR.
Title: Sunshine Falls, Author: Kyle David Torke
Title: Yestermorrow, Author: Ray Bradbury
Title: Burro Bill and Me, Author: Shelly Knight
Title: I Hated to Do It, Author: Donald C. Farber
Title: The Agent, Author: Arthur Klebanoff