Title: Shadow Sight, Author: E.J. Stevens
#1 in Series
Title: Birthright, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: Ghost Light, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: Burning Bright, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: Hound's Bite, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: Hunting in Bruges, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: Club Nexus, Author: E.J. Stevens
#4 in Series
Title: Blood and Mistletoe, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: Brush with Death, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: The Pirate Curse, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: She Smells the Dead, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: Spirit Storm, Author: E.J. Stevens
#2 in Series
Title: From the Shadows, Author: E. J. Stevens
Title: Spirit Storm: Spirit Guide #2, Author: E. J. Stevens
Paperback $7.78 $9.99 Current price is $7.78, Original price is $9.99.
Title: Shadows of Myth and Legend, Author: E.J. Stevens
Title: Legend of Witchtrot Road, Author: E.J. Stevens
#3 in Series