Title: Herobrine Rise of the Samurai, Author: Barry J McDonald
Title: The Way of the Samurai (Geronimo Stilton Series #49), Author: Geronimo Stilton
Title: Herobrine Revenge Of The Samurai, Author: Barry J McDonald
Title: SparkleGirl Return Of A Samurai, Author: Barry J McDonald
Title: Silent Samurai and the Magnificent Rescue, Author: Eileen Wacker
Title: The Tall Tale of the Inch High Samurai, Author: Nick Davis
Title: Ferny and Finot's CODE OF THE SAMURAI, Author: Arno Gregory
Title: Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Ghost, Author: Jesse Leon McCann
Title: Nunca bromees con un samurai (Serie Bat Pat 15), Author: Roberto Pavanello
Title: Tokoyo, The Samurai's Daughter, Author: Faith L. Justice
Title: The Timekeepers: Samurai Saga, Author: Pre-Order Now