Title: The Golden Scales (Makana Series #1), Author: Parker Bilal
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Title: Music Theory 101: From Keys and Scales to Rhythm and Melody, an Essential Primer on the Basics of Music Theory, Author: Brian Boone
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Title: Scales to Scalpels: Doctors Who Practice the Healing Arts of Music and Medicine: The Story of the Longwood Symphony Orchestra, Author: Lisa Wong
Title: Piano Essentials: Scales, Chords, Arpeggios, and Cadences for the Contemporary Pianist, Author: Ross Ramsay
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Title: The Everything Rock & Blues Guitar Book: From Chords to Scales and Licks to Tricks, All You Need to Play Like the Greats, Author: Marc Schonbrun
Title: Money and the Prosperous Soul: Tipping the Scales of Favor and Blessing, Author: Stephen K. De Silva
Title: Modelling Narrow Gauge Railways in Small Scales, Author: Chris Ford
Title: Proficiency Scales for the New Science Standards: A Framework for Science Instruction and Assessment, Author: Robert J. Marzano
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Title: Modalogy: Scales, Modes & Chords: The Primordial Building Blocks of Music, Author: Jeff Brent
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Title: TEST1 Recording Culture: Powwow Music and the Aboriginal Recording Industry on the Northern Plains, Author: Christopher A. Scales
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Title: Science and Society, Author: John Scales Avery
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Title: The Blues Scales - Eb Version, Author: Music
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Title: Scales on Censorship: Real Life Lessons from School Library Journal, Author: Pat R. Scales
Title: Civilization's Crisis: A Set of Linked Challenges, Author: John Scales Avery
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Title: A Black Man's Journey from Sharecropper to College President: The Life and Work of William Johnson Trent, 1873-1963, Author: Judy Scales-Trent
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Title: Scales: Melographed by César Vallejo, Author: César Vallejo
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Title: A Red Family: Junius, Gladys, and Barbara Scales, Author: Mickey Friedman

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