Title: Broken Scales: Reflections on Injustice, Author: Joel Cohen
Title: Political Ecology Across Spaces, Scales, and Social Groups, Author: James Greenberg
Title: Defending Frequently Challenged Young Adult Books: A Handbook for Librarians and Educators, Author: Pat R. Scales
Title: Legal Feminism: Activism, Lawyering, and Legal Theory, Author: Ann Scales
eBook $35.49 $40.00 Current price is $35.49, Original price is $40.00.
Title: Handbook of Marketing Scales, Multi-Item Measures for Marketing and Consumer Behavior Research, Author: CTI Reviews
Title: Frontiers In Time Scales And Inequalities, Author: George A Anastassiou
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Scales Of Justice
by Ngaio Marsh
Narrated by  Philip Franks
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Title: Survey Scales: A Guide to Development, Analysis, and Reporting, Author: Robert L. Johnson
Title: Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World, Author: Nancy Fraser
Title: The Sword and the Scales: The United States and International Courts and Tribunals, Author: Cesare P. R. Romano
eBook $30.99 $36.00 Current price is $30.99, Original price is $36.00.
Title: Health Measurement Scales: A practical guide to their development and use, Author: David L Streiner