Title: Rise of the Poison Moon (Jennifer Scales Series #5), Author: MaryJanice Davidson
Title: Evangelina (Jennifer Scales Series #6), Author: MaryJanice Davidson
Title: Seraph of Sorrow (Jennifer Scales Series #4), Author: MaryJanice Davidson
Title: Jennifer Scales and the Ancient Furnace (Jennifer Scales Series #1), Author: MaryJanice Davidson
Title: Jennifer Scales and the Messenger of Light (Jennifer Scales Series #2), Author: MaryJanice Davidson
Title: The Silver Moon Elm (Jennifer Scales Series #3), Author: MaryJanice Davidson
Title: Common Core Standards and Banned Books Week: A Thematic Guide to Introducing Banned and Challenged Books in the Classroom, Author: Pat Scales
Title: Scales and Finger Exercises - Upper Elementary to Lower Intermediate Piano: Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics Volume 2107, Author: Hal Leonard Corp.
Title: Pares Scales - French Horn in F or E-flat and Mellophone, Author: Gabriel Pares
Title: Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns for Guitar, Author: Hal Leonard Corp.
Title: Guitar Scales Vol. 2 Minor Pentatonic, Author: Kamel Sadi
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Title: Guitar Scales Vol. 3 Major Blues, Author: Kamel Sadi
Title: Namaste to Kamlaris: One Teacher's Story: Telling Our Stories; Living our Lives, Author: Jodie K. Scales
Title: Fretboard Theory - Complete Music Theory for Guitar Including Scales, Chords, Progressions, Modes, and More, Author: Desi Serna
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Title: Proficiency Scales for the New Science Standards: A Framework for Science Instruction and Assessment, Author: Robert J. Marzano
Paperback $22.30 $24.95 Current price is $22.30, Original price is $24.95.
Title: Scales of Gold (House of Niccolò Series #4), Author: Dorothy Dunnett
Title: The Dragon's Scales (Step into Reading Book Series: A Step 3 Book), Author: Sarah Albee
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Title: Creating & Using Learning Targets & Performance Scales: How Teachers Make Better Instructional Decisions, Author: Carla Moore
Title: Piano Adventures Scale and Chord Book 1: Five-Finger Scales and Chords, Author: Nancy Faber

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