Title: Sea Stories, Author: by Various
Title: Shipwrecks, Sea Stories and Legends of the Delaware Coast, Author: David J. Seibold
Title: Navy Sea Stories, Author: Vince Stead
Title: American Sailors and United States Marines at War and Peace: Navy Sea Stories and Marine Corps Legacies, Author: Donald Johnson
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Title: Not As Lean, Not As Mean, Still a Marine!: Even More Marine Corps Sea Stories and Politically Incorrect Common Sense, Author: Andrew Bufalo
Title: The Ebbing of the Tide: South Sea Stories, Australian novel, Author: Louis Becke
Title: Heroes of the Sea: Stories from the Atlantic Blue, Author: Robert C. Parsons
Title: TEST1 The Errant Art of Moby-Dick: The Canon, the Cold War, and the Struggle for American Studies, Author: William V. Spanos
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