Title: Hunting the Dragon, Author: Peter Dixon
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Title: Great Sea Stories, Author: Various Authors
Title: fairy tales and sea stories, Author: giovanni andreazzi
Title: The Mermaid Illustrated science fiction, edgar rice burroughs, space opera, space Presented by Resounding Wind Publishing, Author: Ocean Sea Stories ebook
Title: Poems and Sea Stories, Author: James B. Rudd
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Title: Sea Stories: 99 Cent White Jacket( sci fi, science fiction, Edgar rice Burroughs, space opera ), Author: Herman Melville
Title: Sea Stories: Definitely Not Fairy Tales, Author: Table 5
Title: The Ebbing of the Tide: South Sea Stories, Australian novel, Author: Louis Becke
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Title: Of Sea Stories and Fairy Tales: The Time Before the USS Hoquiam PF-5 (PagePerfect NOOK Book), Author: Mark Douglas
Title: The Sea: Stories by English Authors, Author: Various
Title: The Sandman: His Sea Stories, Author: William John Hopkins
Title: The Sandman: His Sea Stories! A Young Readers/Short Story Collection Classic By William J. Hopkins!, Author: William J. Hopkins
Title: Peril on the Sea: A Novel, Author: Michael Cadnum
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Title: Ship of Fire, Author: Michael Cadnum
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