Title: Sounding the Whale: Moby-Dick As Epic Novel, Author: Christopher Sten
Title: The View from the Masthead: Maritime Imagination and Antebellum American Sea Narratives / Edition 1, Author: Hester Blum
Title: Sea Stories (Typhoon, Falk, The Shadow-Line), Author: Joseph Conrad
Title: Cold Sea Stories, Author: Pawel Huelle
Title: Lessons from the Sea: Stories of the Deadliest Occupation from a Bering Sea Captain, Author: Steven R. Smith
Title: Melville's Short Novels / Edition 1, Author: Herman Melville
Title: Chasing the White Whale: The Moby-Dick Marathon; or, What Melville Means Today, Author: David Dowling
Title: Approaches to Teaching Melville's Moby Dick, Author: Martin Bickman