Title: Sea Stories: A Sailor's Story of Faith on the Sea, Author: S. Daniel Smith
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Sea Stories: The Apples of Kultur
by Earl Walker
Narrated by  Palacio Vald s
Audiobook (Unabridged) $2.49
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Title: Sea Stories: True Adventures of Great Lakes Freighter Captain, Richard Metz, Author: Richard Metz
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Title: Sea Stories: A Memoir of a Naval Officer (1956-1967), Author: Gary Slaughter
eBook $6.49 $6.99 Current price is $6.49, Original price is $6.99.
Title: The Ebbing of the Tide: South Sea Stories, Australian novel, Author: Louis Becke
Title: The Sea: Stories by English Authors, Author: Various
Title: Out of the Fog - True Sea Stories: Foreword by Adriane Hopkins Grimaldi, Author: Captain Marvin F. Hopkins
eBook $2.99 $3.99 Current price is $2.99, Original price is $3.99.
Title: Astounding Sea Stories: Fifteen Ripping Good Tales, Author: Tom McCarthy
Title: Cookin' Up a Storm: Sea Stories and Vegan Recipes from Sea Shepherd's Anti-Whaling Campaigns, Author: Laura Dakin
Title: The Sandman: His Sea Stories, Author: William John Hopkins
Title: The Sandman - His Sea Stories for Kids: Twenty-One Short Tales for Children (Illustrated), Author: William J. Hopkins
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Down to a Soundless Sea: Stories
by Thomas Steinbeck
Narrated by  Jeff Harding
Audiobook (Unabridged) $14.99
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Title: The Beckoning Sea: Stories from My Life at Sea and Elsewhere, Author: Bernhard Abrahamsson
Title: The Stones of Venice, Volume 2: Sea-Stories (Barnes & Noble Digital Library), Author: John Ruskin
Title: August Blue: Seven Sea Stories, Author: Andrew Daws
Title: Beneath the Waves: Newfoundland Sea Stories, Author: Clarence Vautier
eBook $10.99 $11.99 Current price is $10.99, Original price is $11.99.
Title: The Sandman: His Sea Stories! A Young Readers/Short Story Collection Classic By William J. Hopkins!, Author: William J. Hopkins
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Jesus Out to Sea : Stories (Unabridged Selections)
by James Lee Burke
Narrated by  Ron McLarty
Audiobook (Adapted) $1.95
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Title: American Sailors and United States Marines at War and Peace: Navy Sea Stories and Marine Corps Legacies, Author: Donald Johnson

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