Title: Messages from Maitreya the Christ, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: Maitreya's Mission: Volume Two, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: The Great Approach: New Light and Life for Humanity, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: The Ageless Wisdom Teaching: An Introduction to Humanity's Spiritual Legacy, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: Transmission: A Meditation for the New Age -, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: Maitreya's Mission: Volume One, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: A Master Speaks Volume 2: Articles from Share International, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: The World Teacher for All Humanity, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: The Gathering of the Forces of Light, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: Unity in Diversity The Way Ahead for Humanity, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: Maitreya's Teachings: The Laws of Life, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: The Art of Co-operation, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: The Awakening of Humanity, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: Maitreya's Mission: Volume Three, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: A Master Speaks Volume 1: Articles from Share International, Author: Benjamin Creme
Title: The Art of Living: Living Within the Laws of Life, Author: Benjamin Creme