Title: Covenant, Author: Maria Rachel Hooley
Explore Series
Title: Second Sight, Author: Maria Rachel Hooley
Explore Series
Title: Anathema, Author: Maria Rachel Hooley
Explore Series
Title: The Narrative of Sojourner Truth -- Ain't I a Woman by Sojourner Truth, Author: Sojourner Truth
Title: The Sea of Travail, Author: Kristin Gleeson
Title: The Quest of Hope, Author: Kristin Gleeson
Title: Sojourner Soulseeker: Conduit, Author: Maria Rachel Hooley
Title: Embracing the Spirit: Womanist Perspectives on Hope, Salvation, and Transformation, Author: Emilie M. Townes
Title: Resurrection Song: African-American Spirituality, Author: Flora Wilson Bridges
Title: Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave, Author: Sojourner Truth