Title: In Pursuit of a Remedy: A Need for Reform of Police Officer Liability, Author: Bonnie Bull
Title: Is the Fourth Circuit Starting to Hold Back?: Examining Possible Changes in How the Court Approaches Searches, Seizures, and Suppression, Author: Derek Shoemake
Title: RICO Trends: From Gangsters to Class Actions, Author: Pamela Pierson
Title: What a Relief? The Availability of Habeas Relief Under the Savings Clause of Section 2255 of the AEDPA, Author: Scott Grubman
#4 in Series
Title: Traffic Stops Based on Uncorroborated Visual Speed Estimates: More (Needed) than Meets the Eye, Says the Fourth Circuit, Author: Justin Woodard
Title: South Carolina Post-Conviction Relief: Practical Considerations and Procedures from a Prisoner’s Perspective, Author: Demetrio Sears