Title: What’s “Sovereignty” Got to Do with It? Due Process, Personal Jurisdiction, and the Supreme Court, Author: Wendy Perdue
#12 in Series
Title: The Narrow Scope of Federal Preemption of State Regulation in Commercial Credit Transactions: A Comment on Decohen v. Capital One, N.A., Author: Tamara Van Pala
Title: Family Unity Revisited: Divorce, Separation, and Death in Immigration Law, Author: SCLR Technology Editor
Title: Tort as a Disrupter of Cultural Manipulation: Neuromarketing and the Dawn of the E-Cigarette, Author: Karen C. Sokol
Title: Mi Casa Es Su Casa: Enterprise Theory and General Jurisdiction over Foreign Corporations After Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown, Author: Collyn Peddie

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