Title: Deep and Underground Excavations: Selected Papers from GeoShanghai 2010, Author: Fulvio Tonon
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Title: Educational Issues in Geotechnical Engineering, Author: Geo-Denver 2000 Staff
Title: Environmental Geotechnics, Author: Geo-Denver 2000 Staff
Title: Expansive Clay Soils and Vegetative Influences on Shallow Foundations, Author: Cumaraswamy Vipulanandan
Title: Experimental and Applied Modeling of Unsaturated Soils: Selected Papers from GeoShanghai 2010, Author: Laureano R. Hoyos
Title: Foundation Engineering in the Face of Uncertainty: Honoring Fred H. Kulhawy, Author: James L. Withiam
Title: From Research to Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, Author: John H. Schmertmann
Title: Geo-Engineering for Underground Facilities, Author: Gabriel Fernandez
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Title: GeoCongress 2008: Geotechnics of Waste Management and Remediation, Author: Milind V. Khire
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Title: Geomechanics II: Testing, Modeling, and Simulation, Author: Poul V. Lade
Title: Geomechanics: Testing, Modeling, and Simulation, Author: Jerry A. Yamamuro
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