Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2014 - Part One, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2014 - Part Two, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2012 - Part Two, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi First Christmas, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2012 - Part One, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Magi Sanctuary: Book One of the Heirs of the Magi Trilogy, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2016 - Part One, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2011, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Magi Master: Book Two of the Heirs of the Magi Trilogy, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2013 - Part Two, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2015 - Part Two, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: The Catalyst is Born: The Catalyst Chronicles - Book One, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2015 - Part One, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2013 - Part One, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Magi Ascension: Part One: The Ascension Begins Book Three of the Heirs of the Magi Trilogy, Author: Steve Leggett
Title: Heirs of the Magi Archives: Cassie's Journal 2016 - Part Two, Author: Steve Leggett