Title: Fantasy World of Bettie Page, Vol. 1, Author: Michael Frizell
Title: Fantasy World of Bettie Page #2, Author: Michael Frizell
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Title: Political Power: Donald Trump: The Graphic Novel, Author: Michael Frizell
Title: Monster's Among Us #4, Author: Carrie La Seur
Title: Tribute: Carrie Fisher, Author: Michael Frizell
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Title: Victoria's Secret Service: Russian Roulette #1, Author: CW Cooke
Title: Oribit: Icons of Rock and Roll 3: Metallica, Motley Crüe, Ozzy, George Harrison #1, Author: Michael Frizell
Title: Victoria's Secret Service: Russian Roulette #2, Author: CW Cooke
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Title: 10th Muse vs. Legend of Isis, Author: Darren Davis
Title: Political Power: Donald Trump: Road to the White House #2, Author: Michael Frizell
Title: Tribute: David Bowie, Author: Michael Frizell
Title: Sinbad and the Merchant of Ages #1, Author: Adam Gragg
Title: Political Power: Election 2016: Clinton, Bush, Trump, Sanders, & Paul, Author: Michael Frizell
Title: Beekman Boys Present: Polka Spot: The World According to Llama #1, Author: Michael Troy
Title: Female Force: Elizabeth Warren #1, Author: Michael Frizell
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Title: Victoria's Secret Service: Russian Roulette #3, Author: CW Cooke
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