Title: Summer Love (Follow Your Heart Series #1), Author: Jill Santopolo
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Title: Spring Flowers, Summer Love, Author: Lois Richer
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Title: Late Summer Love, Author: Pat Simmons
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Title: My Summer Love - July & Marvin, Author: Biggi Berchtold
Title: Island Summer Love, Author: Amy Belding Brown
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Title: Summer Love: (InterMix), Author: Nora Roberts
Title: Summer Love: Stories of Lesbian Holiday Romance, Author: Harper Bliss
Title: Kiss the Bride: Three Summer Love Stories, Author: Melissa McClone
Title: Tremarnock Summer: Love is in the air in a Cornish village, Author: Emma Burstall
Title: Summer Indiscretions, Author: Tamara Mataya
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Title: Harlequin Kimani Romance July 2015 Box Set: Hot Summer Nights\Crystal Caress\Blissful Summer\Love's Gamble, Author: Lisa Marie Perry
Title: Loving Summer, Love Romance: HarperImpulse Romance FREE SAMPLER, Author: Romy Sommer
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Summer Love: Garrison Keillor and the cast of A Prairie Home Companion
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Title: Missed Connections, Author: Tamara Mataya
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Title: Summer Love
Title: Summer Love (Drama Club Series #4), Author: Peter Lerangis
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