Title: North To The Bitterroot: With a Winchester, a Wagon and a Bowie Knife, They Were the Men Who Opened the Wild Frontier..., Author: Ralph Compton
Title: Sixguns and Double Eagles, Author: Ralph Compton
Title: Across the Rio Colorado, Author: Ralph Compton
#2 in Series
Title: Ralph Compton Whiskey River, Author: Ralph Compton
Title: Devil's Canyon (Sundown Riders Series #4), Author: Ralph Compton
Title: Whiskey River (Sundown Riders Series #5), Author: Ralph Compton
Title: The Winchester Run, Author: Ralph Compton
#5 in Series
Demon's Pass: A Ralph Compton Novel
by Robert Vaughn
Narrated by  Jack Garrett
#7 in Series
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Bucked Out In Dodge
#11 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)

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Title: Ralph Compton Tin Star, Author: Jackson Lowry
Title: Ralph Compton Demon's Pass, Author: Robert Vaughan
Title: Ralph Compton the Trail's End, Author: E. L. Ripley