Title: Dutch on Dutch: One of the Last In-depth Interviews with the Incomparable Elmore Leonard, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: The Car Bomb (The detroit im dyin Trilogy, Book 1), Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: The Disappearance, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: Sicilian Quilt, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: The Jungle Plant, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: Selling the Bison, Author: T.V. LoCicero
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Title: The Obsession, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: Fixed, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: Admission of Guilt, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: When A Pretty Woman Smiles, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: Babytrick (The detroit im dyin Trilogy, Book 3), Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: Murder in the Synagogue, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: Squelched: The Suppression of Murder in The Synagogue, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: A Round with J.C., Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: The Visit, Author: T.V. LoCicero
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Title: Coming Up Short, Author: T.V. LoCicero
Title: The Lessons of Sport, Author: T.V. LoCicero